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Redesigning Tinder

2-week Learn & Work Sprint @

General Assembly UX Design Immersive

1-15 SEPT 2021


Redesign two touchpoints of an existing business




Google Survey Forms


UX Designer

UX Researcher

Project Manager


Kuoloon Chong


A conflict of User & Business Goals

As users grew accustomed to Tinder being a normalised part of dating, people became increasingly apathetic and desensitised throughout the whole process of meeting someone new, forging and maintaining a connection. Ultimately, the goal of a dating app user is to find 'the one' and eventually leave the platform forever.

Meanwhile, the business thrives on users returning to the app to continue swiping as it functions on a freemium business model - earning through making money through ad revenue and paid membership subscriptions.


This project aims to reconcile user needs with business goals by leveraging on existing user behaviours to match users — thereby promoting deeper and longer lasting connections — and creating alternative revenue streams for the platform.

Design Process Overview

Business Analysis


User Interview



Affinity Mapping

User Persona

Problem Statement

UT #1







UT #2




Style Guide

Next Steps

Getting down to Business


With Tinder facing fierce competition from Bumble (with market shares rising steadily from 10% to 17% from 2017 to 2020, while Tinder remains stagnant at 40%-43%), we looked at how Tinder stacks up against its direct competitors, while also analysing what makes indirect competitors work.

Competitive Analysis: Pluses & Deltas


NO to gimmicky product features


While Tinder's direct competitors have some kind of USP that makes them distinct, their 'unique' features such as limited matches and timers can come across as gimmicky. Our goal is to own a simple yet unique product feature that is grounded in a strong human insight while providing user freedom and control.


Learning from Tiktok & Instagram


Content-sharing serves as a quick way to break the ice and express one's personality. ​ Tinder could leverage entertainment content to connect it users, instead of them having to go through long onboarding processes such as questionnaires to craft their online dating personas.

Business Analysis
User Research
Understanding the User


To understand user motivations, processes and past experiences, we conducted an anonymous survey and user interviews - recruiting users who have had experience with at least one dating app. 

User Research Methodology

Survey gathering qualitative data of general dating app usage habits and preferences with 16 participants. User interview with 9 participants (5 men, 4  women).

User Research Key Insights
Boredom is the biggest emotional trigger causing users to get on the app
They would otherwise be on Netflix or YouTube
tinder survey.png
Users are looking for connections that go beyond skin deep


through shared interests and personality displayed on profiles, citing boring, repetitive conversations as a common problem on Tinder.


"I matched with him cos his bio was funny. Seems like can hold a convo with"

"if someone mention anime, then it's a talking point"

"I stalk their IG to get a better idea of their personality before chatting with them."

Wariness of catfishes 🥸

Tinder is rife with fake accounts, and users need assurance that their matches are real before connecting with them.

"the thing i dont like about tinder: a lot of scam profiles"

"Experienced a few catfishes before. tried to ask me to sign up on some investment link.."

"Can tell the profile photo is fake, so i swipe left"

Defining the Problem


Through synthesising our research findings, we identified 2 main themes: a primary persona who is looking to meet like-minded people, and a secondary persona who is a little bit more jaded. This led us to our 2 main statements.

Problem Statement #1

Tim, who is sick of boring conversations in the online dating process, needs to meet like-minded people with common interests but there are too many other profiles to filter through.

primary persona.png
Problem Statement #2

Tinderella, who doesn’t have many opportunities to meet people in her daily life, needs to know her online matches are real so that she can decide whether they are worth her time getting to know them better.

secondary persona.png
Evaluating the current App


Heuristics Evaluation & Usability Testing with 5 participants (3 female, 2 male), aged 21 - 27, have used at least 1 dating app before. Measured with Single-Ease Question (SEQ), on a 7-point scale (1=Very Difficult, 7 = Very Easy)

Usability Testing

Good UI but . . .

While the Tinder app is generally well designed and does not have major usability issues, it falls short at facilitating meaningful connections amongst its users.


With a clear understanding of our users' needs, we set out to ideate while keeping business goals in mind.




Differentiate from competitors by creating a unique product feature


Generate revenue without relying on paid subscriptions as most users are unwilling to pay for them




Forge meaningful connections with like-minded matches with similar interests, without having to sift through a large dating pool peppered with catfish accounts

Browse descriptive profiles of other users who match their criteria

Connecting like-minded users


​To more effectively match users of like-minded qualities, we leveraged on an existing behaviour of users frequenting content sites such as Netflix & Youtube - a key insight uncovered during user research.

Even though Tinder has a website, our research revealed that users do not use it. To reach users right where they are doing what they love, we created a plugin that integrates with their popular entertainment sites (Netflix, YouTube, Disney Plus, online concerts and gaming platforms) to connect those similar tastes and interests, serving as an immediate icebreaker to keep conversations flowing. 

plugin concept.png

This works well in the new normal, where we are primarily getting our entertainment and social fix from home. Additionally, it's a more effective way to showcase one's personality as compared to filling in long questionnaires about preferences and tastes.

A quick sense check...

With concerns of privacy cited by our assistant instructors when we shared our idea with them, we conducted a quick survey with 14 participants to gather user sentiments around this new product prior to getting started. Half of participants expressed concerns about being disrupted during their content viewing.

No sweat though, as we have already planned for this.


TinderConnect Browser Plugin

Easy Setup Process
Set up.png
Streamlining the Mobile Experience


Recapping the main problems of the current Tinder app:

  • A lack of depth in users' profile content makes it harder for users to match and connect

  • A focus on paid subscription and random ads makes it feel less human and authentic

How Might We:

  • Allow users to browse a more curated feed?

  • Make the mobile app work seamlessly with TinderConnect plugin?

  • Cultivate a platform with descriptive and thoughtful profiles?

  • Create an alternative way to generate revenue?


New & Improved Tinder App

Advanced filters to prevent swipe fatigue

Filters such as intentions and height were added in response to user feedback from UT#1, while a filter for TinderConnect was added to seamlessly integrate both touchpoints.

Mobile wireframes.png
Testing & Iterating


We conducted two rounds of UTs (a total of 4 users) with our plugin and mobile prototypes. While overall sentiments and SEQ scores faired pretty well, it was important to look past the scores and dig deeper to find areas of improvements based on participants actions and comments.

"Knowing that someone watches same shows as me makes me more interested instead of judging mainly on looks."
"It gives people immediate topics rather than having conversations out of nothing."
"This is good cos most people don't put much on their bio and it's hard to start a topic. It's also a good way to find out that the person is real."
"Tinder has a bad reputation. This function will let people see it in a different light."
Key Iterations
UT Finding

1/3 users did not register the Netflix icon on match's profile as something they shared in common


Revised position of Netflix icon to be on profile info instead of photo, and added TinderConnect logo to be more explicit.

Key iteration.png
Final Prototype
Visual Design
A friendlier look

Using a combination of brand colours, rounded corners, layering and shadows to create depth.

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Creating a UI Style Guide

Created after iterating on wireframe designs, the style guide is a living document that should be updated when the project progresses, to ensure consistency across icon styles, typography, UI pattern library and components moving forward.

Design Iterations
Visual Design
Moving Forward
Next Steps
An onboarding for TinderConnect


Since the plugin is a new product, an onboarding session upon downloading it for the first time will help users get familiarised with how it works.

Sound Design


Work out notification sounds for plugin and allow users to enable/disable.

Mass survey to determine app filters


During UT, one user mentioned wanting to see a filter for dietary restrictions.


In order to not go overboard with filters by adding one each time it's requested for, we could conduct a mass survey with 50 participants of different race, gender and religion to determine 8-10 most important ones to include.

Events function


Based on UT findings, we should allow users to explore more events after clicking into events message received.

Reply messages


Allow users to swipe right on messages to reply.

Thoughts & Reflections


👀 Learn from Indirect Competitors

Analysing indirect competitors can help tackle a problem from a different, but effective angle.

✅ Test early on

When creating a new product, it's good to do a quick and dirty survey even before any designing, to validate any potential sentiments and prep for any negative ones.

💬 Working in a team

Clear communication is paramount in a teamwork setting. e.g. Running each other through user interview findings and being clear and concise on post-it notes on the affinity map.

🌀 Trust the process

At the start of the project, I was worried that we might not be able to do justice to how 'interesting' it sounded to redesign Tinder. As one of the project requirement was to redesign 2 touchpoints of Tinder, I was at a lost of what to do with the Tinder website - which no one uses. However, once we got down to the research and define phases, it was clear which direction we should head in. It was an exciting process uncovering trends in our user research and finding ways to reconcile user habits and preferences with their agenda on dating platforms. 

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